Please follow the Communication Protocol below to ensure your questions and concerns are directed to the appropriate personnel.

Communication Protocols

Click the link below for a full list of MECS contacts.

Location & Contact

Contact Us


Superintendent of Schools

Mr. Gregory Molloy
Secretary: Mrs. Catherine Smith
Send Message
(315) 684-9300

Business Manager

Mr. Matthew Enigk
Secretary: Mrs. Jessica McCann
Send Message
(315) 684-9158

Director of Special Education, RtI, and Data

Mr. Bryan Fairbrother
Secretary: Mrs. Vanessa Klein
Send Message
(315) 684-3639

Middle/High School Principal

Mr. Nicholas Rauch
Secretary: Ms. Erin Tucker
Send Message
(315) 684-9121

Elementary Principal

Mr. Bryan Fairbrother
Secretary: Mrs. Tracy Clark
Send Message
(315) 684-9288



District Office

(315) 684-9300

Fax: (315) 684-9171

Business Office

(315) 684-9158

Fax: (315) 684-9171

MS/HS Office

(315) 684-9121

Fax: (315) 684-7033

Elementary Office

(315) 684-9288

Fax: (315) 684-7252

Committee on
Special Education

(315) 684-3639

Fax: (315) 684-9192

Transportation Supervisor

(315) 684-3014

Bus Garage

(315) 684-5912

Elementary Nurse

(315) 684-5909

MS/HS Nurse

(315) 684-5903

MS/HS Guidance Office

(315) 684-9196

Fax: (315) 684-9192

Athletic Director

(315) 684-5905

Food Service

(315) 684-5904

Head Start

(315) 684-5913

School Age Program

(315) 684-5914