Mascot Transformation

Attention Morrisville-Eaton School District Community

  • New York State has issued a regulation which requires the   M-ECS District, along with others, to change their mascots.
  • Therefore, we are asking the community members of M-ECS to suggest a new logo/mascot to be considered by the M-ECS HS students and Board of Education.
  • Please focus on a logo/mascot name and the background and/or reason you are suggesting it.

       If you have suggestions, you can either:



Call 315-684-9300


Take our survey by clicking here.


Go to our suggestion boxes coming soon to A&R Tires, Town of Eaton Building, Morrisville Library, Morrisville Post Office, Dougherty Pharmacy or Peterboro Deli.

 Thank you for helping with this important decision.